What is BidAlert?

We help freelancers and agencies win more contracts on UpWork, Fiverr and PPH. Our out of the box tool, BidAlert delivers online work opportunities directly to your mobile phone & desktop notifications, saving you hours of trawling portals.
The result? You’ll never miss a work opportunity. What’s more, our bid support team can help you to win and retain that all important clients. Get a risk free trial and let us show you how we can help you or your business win more online projects.


Get Instant Job Alerts


Submit Proposal in Real Time


Save Connects


Get Hired Fast

How it works?

We use modern aggregator technology and dedicated server to support you in building a qualified pipeline so that you’re able to see what work is out there for you, what the budgets are to work with and when the right time to contact them is.
We aggregate exclusive work opportunities for your skill set and continually deliver alerts to you and your team at the right time containing highly relevant jobs that are tailored to you.

Active Users
0 +
Positive Reviews
0 %

5X Your Income

We've observed 60% reply and 5X conversions from Upwork after using BidAlert.

Win More Projects

BidAlert gives you the opportunity to win more projects by submitting the proposal in real-time and helps in closing more deals faster.

Save Connects & Money

You don't need to boost your proposals to save the top spots. With BidAlert you get more replies and more connects and it saves you money on connects.


Relevant to Your Skills

Get instant job & project alerts exactly relevant to your skills/niches based on your own preferences.

Customized Filters

Whether you want to work on hourly or fixed projects by new or high-ticket clients, you have complete freedom to filter down your desired projects/jobs alerts.


This is the real magic. You get instant & real-time alerts/notifications on your mobile device either an Android/iOS phone or on a desktop/laptop.

Available for 50 Upworkers Only

*To maintain the fair competition, it is our policy to grant BidAlert access to only 1000 Upworkers in Pakistan.

About us

We're a small but an efficient team of freelancers doing freelancing work for over two decades.
Our mission is to suppport our fellow freelancers and exploit their potential to optimal capacity.
We could have not done it without the support of all the likeminded freelancers.
While you are here, we'd like to share a success story of our founder who landed tens of thousands of dollars contracts with the help of BidAlert.

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